The world famous Thai ritual for the legs and feet, which the master works with, including a special mahogany stick with the application of a special Thai cream. Along with the classic foot ritual, the Grand Master of Tai Bali Spa "White Lotus" has developed its variation - foot 360 °. The feature of the 360 ° foot is that the guest's shins and feet are worked out in two poses: lying on the back and on the stomach, as well as in the fact that the master uses special elements of stretching for the legs.
Foot ritual
from 176 BYN
Duration: 1h
Peculiarity: removal of puffiness of the legs, prevention of varicose veins
Performed: on the couch
The world famous Thai ritual for the legs and feet, which the master works with, including a special mahogany stick with the application of a special Thai cream.
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Graduate master
1 hour

176.00 BYN
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